the Road Less traveled
I try to travel lighter whenever I can and to try as many different modes of transport as possible. This photo was taken aboard the Amtrak Coast Starlight to attend Urbanism Next in Portland.
how can we travel lighter?
The planet is burning, we poison the air we breathe, and we endanger vulnerable road users by traveling heavy - cars for every trip, truck deliveries when cargo bikes could work, allowing 🚗🚕🚙🚛🚚 on every street, every hour of the day, every day of the week. There are almost no limits for heavy machinery that kill. Meanwhile humans must heed “Don’t Walk”, fight for space to bike safely on streets, and in the age of COVID19 maintain physical distance from fellow humans in limited sidewalk and bike lanes, while cars travel everywhere as fast as the 85% rule, and sit idle almost anywhere they like taking up valuable public space that people desperately need.
We need to look at mobility and transport with fresh eyes. We need to do everything we can to prioritize people and the planet rather than convenience, comfort, and commerce, driven by and driving over-reliance of motor vehicles and air travel. The decidedly American cocktail of freedom, independence, and instant gratification has resulted in over-reliance upon personally owned cars. Our entire society has been “FedEx’d”. We want that thing now, we want to get there now or anytime we choose. And this is all at a tremendous cost to individuals, society, and the planet. Transportation is the largest personal expenditure after housing and cars are all but required due to insufficient density or public will to fund transit in a way to make it available and affordable for all - including families.
To better understand our transportation systems, I have taken to trying/exploring many different forms for local, regional, and long distance travel everywhere that I go.
I like red bikes…
^^Me & my one and only PUBLIC Bike - 7-speed, 35 lbs, zero-assist.
>>My very first ride on a JUMP Bike - 3-speed, 50+ lbs, zoom-zoom!
San Francisco is searching for a new leader of the SFMTA. I can't imagine they would consider a complete outsider for this role, but it didn't stop me from trying. If you want your city to move better, if you want to help reverse climate change, if you want to make Vision Zero a reality, if you want healthier citizens and vibrant communities - please steal these ideas.